Utter Chaos

What does this mod do?
Whenever a sim does anything, there is a chance for the outcome of their action to be randomized. 1 out of every 400 random outcomes will involve fire, but the other 399 can be anything from a notification to an alien abduction.

Random outcomes also count as actions, and can trigger even more randomness.
When it rains, it pours. Have fun.

Warnings & known issues

For some reason, the randomizer loves picking outcomes related to skeletons and chickens. This is not a joke. You'll see what I mean.
Tip: To reduce notification spam from the mystical baby chicken, disable the Cottage Living EP.

Other gameplay mods may perform actions in the background, and cause an unbearable amount of randomized outcomes.
Tip: Remove other gameplay mods before playing with Utter Chaos.

You will see "exception" notifications if you use MC Command Center or Better Exceptions, due to the high degree of randomness this mod produces.
Tip: This is unavoidable, and may be annoying. Consider removing these mods while using Utter Chaos.

WARNING! Do not use this mod in saves that you care about. Seriously. Your sims can and will have their lives turned upside down in an instant, and can die without warning. Your builds may also be at risk due to the number of fires this mod starts. You've been warned, use this mod at your own risk.

Base Game

Utter Chaos
(Download link not working? Click on other sites' icons below)

Here's How To Properly Install Mods

Mod description and/or images lifted from the creator's website.
Link/s not working/updated? Leave a comment below and we'll fix it!
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