Necromania Reward Trait

From MissBee:

Necromaniac sims are fascinated by death and gain positive buffs when around it.

What does it do?
This reward trait replaces the various sad buffs generated by deaths with positive emotion buffs. It also adds a happy buff whenever your sim is near the Grim Reaper. This trait can be purchased from the rewards store for 2000 aspiration points. It does NOT remove the sad buff from mourning at a tombstone, so if you want your sim to feel sad over the death of a loved one they can still do so.

I found it really annoying when my evil murderous sims would become sad after killing another sim in cold blood. This reward trait replaces the automatic sad buffs. For anyone who enjoys Zero's Vampires can Kill Mod, Sacrificial's Extreme Violence Mod, or andrian_m.l Deadly Spellcasters mod this should allow your sims to kill without that pesky sadness getting in the way.

Base Game XML Injector

There are 2 versions of this trait:
1. Necromania Reward Trait - choose this version to get the reward store trait.
2. Necromaniac CAS Trait - choose this version to get add a CAS trait under the emotion category.
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