Labeled Rental Units

From TwistedMexi:

This is a lightweight mod that adds household and address labels to the "Visit Unit" interaction when clicking on different units on the same property. Normally you have no way to know what unit you're clicking on or if there's a household in it, unless you just remember.

This mod adds:

Household names when the unit is occupied (i.e. "Visit Linh's Unit")
Unit Address when the unit is unoccupied (i.e. "Visit Unoccupied 13C Plumbob Place Unit")
Changes the interaction's car icon to a door.
Public release set for 1/2.

Install Instructions
1. Delete any existing copies you have for Labeled Rental Units.

2. DONT use any zip extract options. Instead, OPEN the "TwistedMexi's Labeled Rental Units RC1" zip by clicking it and drag the "Tmex-LabeledRentalUnits" folder inside to your mods root. That's it! Do NOT restructure or modify the files in any way.

3. Make sure 👉Script👈 Mods are enabled in gameplay options -> "Other". Restart if it wasn't.


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Mod description and/or images lifted from the creator's website.
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