Eye Care

From Adeepindigo:

Here's a mod that adds basic Eye Care to your game. While all Sims can still rock fashion glasses at any time, now Sims can be diagnosed with eye issues and require eye care. Regular eye exams, contacts, and eyeglasses can help identify and then mitigate these issues. Laser Eye Surgery is also an option for some conditions. This mod is designed to only work for Children-Elders.

In the future, I hope to get much more in-depth and incorporate major eye issues into a possible Sims 4 Disability Mod collaboration but more on that later! This was deceptively harder to make for the Sims than either Dental Care or Healthcare despite being less complex and generally simpler just due to game limitations, but hopefully it adds a little layer of nuance and differentiation to your Sims. 

Vision Insurance
Eye Health
Eye Exams and Procedures
Eye Conditions
Socials and Buffs
The mod does NOT conflict with Private Practice or SOL. It is Base Game compatible.

Base Game

Eye Care
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Mod description and/or images lifted from the creator's website.
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