Alter Initial Funds

From Simularity:

This mod will make your newly started games either easier or more difficult depending on which flavor of the mod you choose. Want to start your game out with a Sim who has only §5,000 to their name? OR would you rather make things way easier on yourself and start the game out with a Sim who has §100,000 in funds? The choice is now yours! There are several flavors to choose from but choose only one flavor of the mod to install at one time!

Here are the mod flavor choices (Default game starting funds are §20,000 plus §2,000 for each additional Sim):

§5,000 plus §500 for each additional Sim
§15,000 plus §1,000 for each additional Sim
§30,000 plus §1,500 for each additional Sim
§35,000 plus §5,000 for each additional Sim
§50,000 plus §10,000 for each additional Sim
§100,000 plus §15,000 for each additional Sim
This will only change the starting funds of newly created Sims and families. It will not change the starting funds of Sims and families created before you installed the mod. REMEMBER TO INSTALL ONLY ONE FLAVOR OF THE MOD AT ONE TIME! 

v1.1 – Added a new flavor which was a fan request. If you have a request for a new flavor to add to this mod, please contact me and I’ll add it to the mod. I’m always happy to hear from you all!

If you have suggestions for how to improve this mod, please contact me.

If you need help with this mod, please contact me on the Simularity Discord server and remember to make sure I see it by tagging it with @Lizzie-Simularity or you can send me an email via my Contact form.

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