SimCity Loans

Your Sims (teen and up) now have the option to apply for loans from SimCity Bank.

To apply for a loan:

Have your Sim click on the computer and select "SimCity Loans" and choose the loan amount:


Once your Sim selects the loan amount, they will receive a Loan Packet in their inventory, which cannot be deleted. Your Sim will then be responsible for repaying the loan. 

There are two options for repayment:
1) Repay in full with no interest.
2) Make 12, 24, or 36 payments with a 5% interest rate.

If your Sim fails to make a payment (or pay in full) within 48 hours, they will have a "Loan Payment Due" (fine mood) buff. Once you receive the "Loan Payment Overdue" buff, a 5% late fee (5% of your payment) will be deducted shortly after. If your Sim continues to ignore this buff for 24 hours, it will turn into a "Loan Payment Overdue!" (stressful mood) buff. Late fees will be deducted about every 24 hours until your Sim makes a payment. If your Sim is at work, the late fees will be deducted shortly after they get home. If your Sim lacks enough Simoleons for the late fee, it will automatically get deducted when they do have the funds. The only way to remove this is to make a payment (or pay in full).

If your debtor Sim dies, the loan packet will be sent to the household inventory (still not deletable). After you place it on your lot, another household Sim can use the "Take Over Loan" interaction. This will add the loan packet to that Sim's inventory, and they will be responsible for the loan. Payments made by the deceased Sim won't be lost.

If your debtor Sim dies and is added back to the household, either as a ghost or resurrected, they won't have the loan packet anymore (since it went to the household inventory). However, they can't take out a new loan. They'll have to use the computer and click on "SimCity Loans" > "Request Loan Forgiveness" (which will cost §1,000). After 3 days, they can apply for a loan again if needed.

Additional Information:
Sims can only have one active loan at a time. However, once your Sim pays off the loan, you can click on the loan packet and select "Destroy." Your Sim can then take out another loan if desired.

The loan packet cannot be dragged on purpose to keep it in your Sim's inventory for necessary buffs and interaction availability. You won't be able to delete it as well to ensure there's no escaping from debt.

If you move your household while the loan packet is on the lot (after placing it from the household inventory), it can be found in the household inventory once again. You can't run away from it until it's paid.

Note: If you use Basemental Drugs and your Sim gets arrested, they will lose their loan packet as well. In this case, you'll have to use the "Request Loan Forgiveness" option on the computer.

Base Game

SimCity Loans
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