This mod adds some additional logic to how Sims develop crushes and who they develop them on, including relationship status and social compatibility. Also included are multiple flavors which make crushes less likely (or more likely) overall.
INFO: (from creator's website)
Crushes assigned by the "Declare Love Publicly" interaction (and some of the chance cards from pier attractions) use a different resource and are currently not affected by this mod.
Crushes assigned by the "Declare Love Publicly" interaction (and some of the chance cards from pier attractions) use a different resource and are currently not affected by this mod.
Changes Included in All Versions:
Sims will no longer develop new crushes on Sims with whom they're already in a committed relationship. (Existing crushes will remain but you can always choose to get over them if it feels silly.)
Sims who are in a committed relationship are now much less likely (0.1x) to develop new crushes, unless they have the Noncommittal or Player trait.
Sims who already have a crush are now significantly less likely (0.25x) to get another one, unless they have the Noncommittal or Player trait.
Originally, Unflirty Sims were coded to never develop crushes. But because aromantic Sims already never develop crushes (the code checks the actor's romantic orientation before assigning crushes and I made no changes to that part of the code), I wanted the Unflirty trait to have a little more flexibility. Unflirty Sims still have a much lower chance (0.1x) of developing crushes compared to other Sims but it's no longer impossible. (I thought this might be useful for playing Sims who are gray-romantic or something similar.)
If you have Growing Together, social compatibility will now affect the chances of a crush developing. The multipliers for Amazing and Awful Compatibility are the same multipliers that affect the chances of receiving many other positive sentiments in the game. The multipliers for Good and Bad compatibility are in-between values I chose because I still wanted them to have an impact. These are the specific modifiers for each level of compatibility:
? 1.5x for Amazing Compatibility
? 1.25x for Good Compatibility
? 0.5x for Bad Compatibility
? 0.25x for Awful Compatibility
Versions (choose only one):
CrushOverhaul-Standard: Keeps the original base chance of 5
CrushOverhaul-LessCrushes: Lowers the base chance to 2.5
CrushOverhaul-EvenLessCrushes: Lowers the base chance to 1
CrushOverhaul-MORECrushes: Raises the base chance to 10
Base Game
High School Years
Here's How To Properly Install Mods
Base Game
High School Years
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Here's How To Properly Install Mods
Mod description and/or images lifted from the creator's website.
Mod description and/or images lifted from the creator's website.
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