Srsly's EA Adjustments

It is recommended to use this mod or Srslys Any Ingredient Cooking Tag Resource with Srsly's Complete Cooking Overhaul. This is version 1.0.3.

This mod not only changes prices but also adds the custom cooking tags from SCCO and SCCOR to allow these EA ingredient items to work with both mods and other creators' custom recipes. 

You will need SCCO or SCCOR if you want the tags edits for those mods. If not, you will only have EA tag changes and price adjustments.

You can find the spreadsheet with all changes made and a list of items here under "New EA Ingredients". 

This mod will be updated as new items become available. 

These are OVERRIDES, they will conflict with any mods that change any of the following EA items:

EA BG Ingredients
City Living Spices
EA Canned Drink (singles)
Cottage Living Ingredients

Note 1: If you are having issues with EA items being accepted in SCCO-compatible recipes, this file will fix those issues.

NOTE 2: IF YOU HAVE "FLOWER PRICE ADJUSTMENT FILE" remove it. It is now included in this download to keep all EA overrides for ingredients/harvestables in one place.

There are 2 versions, one is with price adjustment changes, and one is EA prices. Both include the tags needed for SCCO/SCCOR. Choose ONE. Do not install both types of overrides.

The EA Prices file does not include "Fish Adjustments", as no changes were made to EA fish. "Fish Adjustments" is included in the NEW prices file, as some prices have been changed.

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Mod description and/or images lifted from the creator's website.
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