How To Batch Update and Customize Custom Contents

When you have tons of Custom Contents (CCs) in your game and you experience bugs, errors, or unusual behavior in your game, it can be daunting to troubleshoot what is causing them. 

Good thing there are tools that help you update outdated or broken CCs. 

I personally recommend these two tools to help you fix broken or outdated CCs in your game:

Watch the tutorial here:


Let me tell you first about Sims4Studio as discussing both in a single post might bore you.  There's a separate post for the Sims 4 Tray Importer that you can read later if you still haven't.

What is Sims 4 Studio?

Sims 4 Studio is primarily a free tool for creating custom contents, but for those of us who aren't into CC making, it can also be useful in batch updating custom contents in our game. 

This is what it should look like once you have downloaded and installed Sims 4 Studio on your computer:

Initially, you would need to update the game path and save files path:

The Sims 4 Path is the location in your computer where your game is installed.  Usually, it is found in your drive C. 

Back to the Sims4Studio, click on the ellipsis (3 dots) on the blue square to open and update the path to yours.

Sims 4 Documents is where your save files are.  They are found in drive C also.

For Steam users, this is how to find the path where Steam has installed your game:

On Steam, go to LIBRARY and then right click on your game icon and then click on "Properties..."

Click on "LOCAL FILES" tab

It will open the folder where your game is located. Take note of the path and search for it on The Sims4Studio

The only two tabs I use are these: 

I use this tab to fix or update CCs in my game. Sorry bout the quality of the screenshots as my computer won't capture everything so I had to use my crappy phone instead. 


You can also stop townies from wearing random clothing.  Under Content Management, select Batch Fixes, then CAS, then click on Disallow CC for Random.  

In the window that pops up, make sure that your The Sims 4 Mods folder is shown in the top box. The bottom box is usually selected by Sims 4 Studio but if you are short on hard drive space on your main hard drive, select an alternate location for your backups i.e., another hard drive by clicking the blue Browse button and selecting another location for the backups.

After you have selected your backup’s location, click the blue Run button. Once completed, a results window will pop up. It’s a good idea to take a look through the content listed in this window and make sure there is nothing in there that shouldn’t be in there like any non-custom content files such as mods. If you notice a name that is not CC, then it shouldn’t be there. This is why we made backups! If nothing in the results window seems like it shouldn’t be there, you’re done! If there are mods in there that shouldn’t have been modified, continue to the next step.

In the Batch Fixes folder which should be in My Documents\Sims 4 Studio\Batch Fixes (or wherever you chose to put it in the box earlier in Step 2) you’ll see a folder with the date and time of the fix then (Disallow CC for random). In that folder you will find a text file that is a copy of your results in case you shut that results box from previous step and the Backup folder containing all the mods and cc backups that were created. The Backup folder will be structured exactly like your Mods folder. Go through it and copy any mods that shouldn’t have been modified from this Backup to your Mods folder.

 If your NPCs/Townies are still wearing your CC, you may need to start a new game to see the changes. Remember to do this routinely depending on how often you download and install custom content.

I use this tab to view my CCs and to customize them according how I want them to appear or function in my game.

Here's an example. It's an iPhone default phone CCs. It has different swatches and you can select only the colors that you like to use in your game.  You can even choose how it should function in your game.  

DOWNLOAD it here.  

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Need help downloading/troubleshooting your mods? CONTACT US for assistance!
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