Functional Grinder

Why buy sugar, flour, or other powders when you can produce them at home? Especially if you use homegrown harvestables. Save money, ensure quality!

This mod introduces a grinder and 15 products.

Types of Grinders:
Functional Grinder (Outdoor Activities, $750, in red and blue for farmhouses)
Modern Grinder (Small Appliances, $400, space-efficient, one color)
Medieval Grinder (Decoration, Misc, $400, historical, one color)

Buy the object, then learn how to grind by reading the 'How to Grind?' book for $550. After learning, you can use the grinder.

Two types of products (for cooking or cosmetics):

'Grind Products' yields 3 large bags (each with 10 small packages) from 20 ingredients (old screenshot).
'Grind Single Package' yields 3 small packages from 10 ingredients.

Large products can be listed on Plopsy, used in cooking by filling small packages.
Small packages can be listed on Plopsy, used in cooking (compatible with SCCO and Cottage Living).

9 cooking products, 6 cosmetic products.
Cosmetic products can be listed on Plopsy, more interactions to come.
Create Potpourri Jars exception: Open Single Package Menu, each jar has 5 bowls for Plopsy listing or decoration (+2 flirty buff).

All ingredients are optional. If missing, pay a higher price for the product. Custom harvestables used.

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Mod description and/or images lifted from the creator's website.
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