Auto Shorter Teens

From Menaceman44:

This mod makes any Sim that is created as a Teen in CAS, or ages up to a Teen through normal gameplay will automatically be shorter than Adult Sims. It also means that once they age past the Teen stage they will return to the default height for an Adult Sim. You don't need to do anything different to have this mod take affect on newly created or aged Teens.

It is important to note, however, that already existing Teens will NOT automatically become shorter upon installing this mod. There is a way around this though.

Open the cheat console and enter the cas.fulleditmode cheat. Now take the existing Teen Sim into CAS either through a mirror, dresser, or other method. Once in CAS you need to change either the Sim's frame or gender and then switch back for the shorter height to be applied. You can then exit CAS.

I haven't noticed any oddities when Teens interact with or carry Toddlers or small pets. A side effect of this mod makes Teen portraits from the Relationships and Household Members panels appear lower in the frame when compared to Adults. If this bothers you, SimplyAnjuta has created a camera override mod to alter the zoom level for all portrait thumbnails ensuring shorter Teens don't get their faces cut off. It fixes a few other things too. Check it out.

I hope you all enjoy your (mostly) automatically shorter Teens!

  • As with all height related mods there will be some clipping of animations and certain interactions between Sims of different heights may not align correctly. Correcting those is outside the scope of this mod although I have tried to use values that reduce this.
  • Teens and Young Adults uploaded to the Gallery will be flagged as containing CC. Pointed out to me by Spiderses. I forgot to check Gallery usage.
  • This mod is, as far as I am aware and have tested, compatible with other height slider mods. This means you can alter the individual heights of Sims still, including Teens, if you like with the use of other CC sliders.
  • When creating a Sim and selecting a new body preset for a Teen they may reset to Adult height. To fix this simply swap their gender and then swap back again. Swapping frames does not work in this situation.
  • On one occassion during testing, after editing a pre-existing Teen their left hand went missing after exiting CAS. After a few minutes of in-game time the hand returned on its own.
  • If you use Khitsule's pointy ears unlocker then make sure to choose one of the "PlusEarsUnlocker" versions.
  • This mod also corrects an EA error where the tuning for Teen Spellcasters incorrectly classifies them as Vampires instead.
Mod description and/or images lifted from the creator's website.
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